
Thursday, April 25, 2019

New Book Series: H.A.P.P.Y. Corps...

New Book Series: H.A.P.P.Y. Corps...
 Yup, I've started another series and have gotten the first three chapters done and have not only the full book planned out, but the NEXT SIX!  Yup, the first trilogy is called the "Kimo Jackson Saga"... Not gonna share shit on the second trilogy... ;)  Here's the cover treatment for book #1...

 My fellow knife lovers will spot the TOPS Knives Operator Sevens in Kimo's hands and those are his blades of choice and will be featured through the book... This book right here... NOT AS BAD as The Sordid Adventures of Farook Fantook and Jizzy J, but the language in it... OMG.  I'm having so much fun writing this.  I look forward to the day when I can spend all my time writing!   Here's the logo for the H.A.P.P.Y. Corps Members.  
Also, as I always do... I have SWAG for my stuff... This is so peeps can see what's coming down the road...  You can see all the cool shit from the stuff I'm working on at Click the cool little mother fucker below to check it...


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