Stranger Things - Season 3 [B-]
Yes, it came, it went, it KICKED ASS (and kinda sucked just a little bit...)
My oh my as a Gen Xer so much scenery and experiences that the characters are going through I could relate to (minus the supernatural horror aspects and the Russian invasion aspects of it)...
The mall, arcades, fast food, movies... Ahhhh you younguns ain't never gonna experience fun shit like that... You'll just have to make due with your Augmented reality, virtual reality, internet computing from quantum space... FUCK. I guess each generation has it fucking awesome shit. Anyways for me it was like going down memory lane and just enjoying the nostalgia.
OK, so the show has been a HUGE fucking hit for Netflix and Season Two was good but had some shitty parts right near the end... This season learned a lot from the previous installments and didn't have any painful slow downs. Each episode was balanced nicely and overall things progressed nicely and some of the mystery was revealed in a way that was super duper satisfying.
One of the surprising things for me was the Billy character who was mean and shitty in Season Two and really had some major moments in Season Three. I would argue that he stole the whole fucking show.
His role was vital and he brought soul to the character and he stands out the most for me.
Then there was big, lovable, Hopper. The dad who loves but doesn't know how to communicate for shit. And this was truly believable. I LOVED Hopper and it was evident that the writers worked extra hard to build him up for the sacrificial (You and I both know he ain't dead.) climax.
Eleven and Mike continue their relationship and it was pretty weak. I liked Eleven's story arc but often found myself saying "bullshit" and shaking my head. The girl is fucking powerful and yet she kept fucking herself up. Mike would try to warn her and she would push on with some bullshit that is probably more reflective to this generation than a girl from the 80s. So when she maxes out her powers and then is powerless I was waiting for Mike to be like "See bitch, I fucking told your dumb ass not to over do it and now look. NO FUCKING POWERS... Shit, you can't even fetch me a pop!"
(J/K but I'm sure if she had her powers she'd read Mike and those would be his surface thoughts for sure...) [And yeah, we know she'll get her powers back again]
Lucas and Max added comedy and was meh....
Dustin and Suzie... Well this was one of those 80's hooks that the 80s was famous for. Cheesy romance and mysterious, "does she exist?" "is she ugly?" etc. And it played out well, except for the pivotable moment where she forced Dustin to sing their song and in my opinion Suzie was responsible for Hopper's (not) Death...
And then there was Will... Oh Will... Useful and not useful at the same time. His sole role in the show was to point out time waits for nobody and you can't go back to the way things were... He also was a walking spider sense to help the other characters know when the bad shit was near.
Nancy and Jonathan. FUCK ME. I hated her character about 20% Season One, 15% Season Two and 75% in Season Three... In fact there was only one other character I hated more in Season Three (I'll get to her in a second). My GOD... She was so fucking pretentious and granted the assholes at the newspaper were complete fucktards and I'm sure people like existed then and even now, but even that shit was like "bullshit". She was so self absorbed and really didn't give two shits about anyone other than herself. So character growth was pretty lame and pathetic, but I did like how the mother daughter scene played out and I laughed when I saw the (so so so close whore) mother speech.
Steve and Robin. I LOVED Robin and I thought she brought some fresh blood to the show. The revelation later that she was gay was kinda gay. I mean it was there and it did add a little twist, and it was only because it added a twist to the relationship development between the two characters that I'm not irritated with it. And the scenes where Dustin is hanging out with them adds more magic to the scenes.
Joyce has had enough of Hawkins and has decided after the death of Bob she's torn up... And then the relationship between her and Hopper begins to take a stronger position he apparently dies. So she takes Eleven, Will and Jonathan and moves... Causing the breakup of Eleven/Mike and Jonathan/Nancy leaving the viewers to wonder what will happen in the future.
And then I come to the one character who annoyed the shit out of me and I was like what the literal fuck is this shit? Who am I talking about? I am talking about ERICA... You can't have America without the Erica... (That actually was a good line). I found her character to be somewhat stereotypical and that attitude was killing me. I don't like to use the word hate. But I hated her character. Even when she was useful and insightful.
How about the bad guys?
- Russians trying to get into the Upside Down (and the menacing bad guy kinda reminder me ARNOLD... Terminator)
- The MindFlayer is taking a page from "the Thing" and doing its Thing... (See what I did there?)
Overall I'd say this was second place to Season One (Fucking Classic) and that makes Season 2 fall into third place.
The story was entertaining and the mixing of diverse genres and lovable characters equal hours of enjoyment.
Monday, November 11, 2019
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