Terminator - Dark Fate [Review]
So I was excited, I mean EXCITED!!!! Terminator with Arnie and Linda?!!!! And the director who brought me Deadpool and James Cameron on board as well? I mean it was fan's wet dream!
And then I watched it.
OK... So let's put the first chunk in Mexico and force motherfuckers to read subtitles... FUCK.
Let's make the main character a midget child who can't act... FUCK.
Let's confuse the movie with is it about new character? Sarah Conners? Arnold? FUCK.
Let's make the second movie a waste of time by doing some horrible shit to a character in first few minutes. FUCK.
Let's make the bad guy pretty much the same fucking thing as Terminator 2 but it's black goo and can split itself.. Oh, and the characters from T2 don't recall tactics to handle the new version???? FUCK
Speaking of the bad guy... He was NOT intimidating or scary... No real charisma or presence. FUCK!
OK, let's put a convoluted plot point in the movie about a powerful weapon and it is a waste of time... OH AND FUCK TWO POWER SOURCES EXIST IN CHARACTERS that could've been talked about earlier? FUCK!!!!!
Let's allow some SJW ideology in the movie and totally mock the role of the mother in a child's life... (Just saying John Conner was a little whinny bitch who was taught how to be a strong leader from his mother...) FUCK!!!!!!!
The main defender was Badass, Strong, could act, had great physicality buuuuuut the bitch ran outta juice all the time and was quasi-junkie through most of it... FUCK!!!!
Sara Conner is a bitter old woman who takes monster hits and flies across rooms and slams against hard walls... is supposed to be such a bad ass that she can take on full grown trained men and beat with her hands bound?!!! Bullshit- FUUUUUUUUCK!
The humor is so jacked it's not even funny... wait... Well the parts where they try aren't... There's some 'cute' moments. But other than cute, it's pretty shit. The parts where they try to be serious, now that's the funny shit.
Arnold... FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK... The storyline for the terminator Arnold plays is a fucking joke!!!!
I could go on and on and on and on about this insult to Sci-Fi and Terminator fans.
There is a very good reason this movie is bombing hard... Hiroshima hard. It sucks.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Terminator - Dark Fate [D-] Trash... Most likely will not be back.
Robert R Ricks
11:44 PM
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