
Monday, May 7, 2018

The types of rejection letters I don't mind... well it is still rejection...

So as a writer trying to find my dream agent I get rejected... A lot, and that's fine.  It's part of the whole process and I get that.  I don't mind the standard form letter rejections like this one.

Dear Robert,
On behalf of the agents here at [Agency Name], thank you for giving us the opportunity to consider your work. I apologize for the form letter, but the volume of query letters we receive means we cannot send every writer a personal response. Please know that we do give each and every query serious attention.
Unfortunately, we do not feel strongly enough about your project to pursue it further. Agenting is very subjective, however, and even though we could not take on your project, another agent might feel differently.

Please accept our best wishes for success in your writing career.

And then there's the rejections like this:

Dear Rob, 

I have now read your query. I can see the work put into the query and that you have effectively captured the nature of the novel, but I confess that it is not for me. I didn’t love it, and, unfortunately, if I don’t feel that strongly, I’m the wrong agent for the work. Publishing is a notoriously subjective business, and every new author needs both an agent and an editor who do love their work.  It's hellishly difficult getting editors to take a look at new authors, so that initial enthusiasm is vital.
FYI, I've taken on five writers as clients and turned down well over 4,000, so far... I know it can be as difficult to get an agent as it is to be taken on by a publisher.  You just have to keep plugging away. Good luck.
All best wishes for the future.
[Agent Name]
There's a huge difference in the way you feel.  I know Agents are bogged down and in understanding that, when you get one like the above example it takes the sting out and helps give an author a better lay of the land.

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