I have to say they should've renamed it Deep Blue Sea Dueced! Cause it was pretty much a salty wet pile of shit.

The premise was laughable since the main 'bad guy' a super-rich, god-complexed, paranoid individual is hell bent on expanding the human mind to be able to compete against the oncoming computer AI apocalypse... Hmmm OK.

My Fucking lord, I was happy as fuck with their fate...
Suffice to say, there really wasn't ANY character in the movie that evoked any kind of sympathy or any semblance of empathetic positive energy.
All the way through until the end I was like "Really?" "Ummm WTF?" and a few times I actually laughed out loud at how stupid the whole thing was. The drone scene was so "OK I know why this is here..."
Predictable until the very end scene I would only recommend this movie to people who really do not give a fuck and enjoy some serious cheese-dick fantasy. Cause this shit right here was complete trash and the stuff of fantasy.
I did like Bella though. I think she had the best character development through the entire movie.
Score: 3 out of 10
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