
Friday, May 4, 2018

Frustrating things I hear from Agents...

Frustrating things I hear from Lit Agents...

So part of trying to find a Literary Agent is submitting a Query letter.  What is a query letter you ask?  Well here is the definition:
query letter is a formal letter sent to magazine editors, literary agents and sometimes publishing houses or companies. Writers write query letters to propose writing ideas. 
Now understand these folks get a shit-ton of query letters so you want to get to the point be reflective of your work and explain things as plainly as you can.

So I sent in this one to an agent who I though would be a good fit.

[Begin Query Letter]
A book blending Nephilim, Angels, Demons, Demi-Gods, Gods, and Goddesses in a world almost identical to our own.  Magic is real and for our main character, Ethan Higashi Magic Really Sucks!!!

Hello, my name is Robert Ricks and I have completed my first Trilogy of my series Magic Really Sucks and I am looking for an agent.

I set out with a few objectives when writing Magic Really Sucks.

#1) I wanted to try to find a new format to get readers to flow through the books and feel like it was a movie since one of the challenges I learned from on my first novel Convergence 2012 is, there are a LOT of folks who struggle with reading.  My solution, use more narrative.  My feedback thus far has exceeded my wildest expectations and am happy with the resulting style of writing on Magic Really Sucks.

#2) I wanted to create a magical explanation for a lot of conspiracy, and oddities throughout history.  For example Antarctica with Nazi and “aliens”, flat Earth, technology, and Illuminati. I wanted the story to take place in a world that is ‘almost’ identical to ours.  There are some differences and as the story progresses and the reader pays attention they will spot those and see why they are there.  Pulling from the book of Enoch and creating one of the last Nephilim allowed me to blend in elements of Heaven and Hell.

#3) Characters that are driven by their desires and relationships.  I wanted characters wide enough that one or more should appeal to the reader.

#4) Finally, I challenged myself to write and keep it YA.  I have a tendency to go wild with language and usually speak in ways that make sailors blush.  I am proud of the way I kept the language to a minimum without it feeling fake.

The trilogy specs break down as follows:

The trilogy is:
Magic Really Sucks “Revelation” [94,668 words]
Magic Really Sucks “Liberation” [92,235 words]
Magic Really Sucks “Redemption” [103,512 words]

A brief summary of the novel(s): Magic Really Sucks is the story of a man who manifests power and as he learns more of who and what he is, he encounters other who become much more than friends.  Stories about love, friendship, betrayal, and growth. 

Description (Book 1):
Ethan Higashi, a software developer at a B-level gaming studio is about to turn 45.  He is unaware that he's a powerful Nephilim who is about to discover a world of magic that he didn't know existed.  Thrust into a wild world full of intrigue and sinister machinations, Ethan quickly learns as a Nephilim there is no limit to the power that he can wield and there are powerful forces that want to leverage that potential to reshape the world to their vision.  From the lowest regions of Hell to the highest reaches of Heaven there are many who wish to convert the young Nephilim to their purpose.  Ethan has to learn quickly who and what to trust as his world is turned upside down and undertakes the journey that will define him as Earth's greatest hero or its greatest villain… With unlimited power comes many temptations.  Will it corrupt him to the core?

[End Query Letter]

The response I got:


Dear Robert,

Thank you for submitting Magic Really Sucks to [AGENCY NAME] for our consideration. Unfortunately, we are going to pass on this project.

We think the story in the query sounds interesting. However, we found that the narrative did more telling than showing through an abundance of dialogue, which took away from the overall plot. Some of the dialogue also read a bit too stiff for us. We also felt that the voice of the story was too young for the characters. In your query you mention that you tried to keep the language YA, which would work great for a YA story, but with a 45 year old character the text needs to be aged up to the adult level. Keeping the swearing to a minimum is fine, but making sure the text reflects the ages of the characters is important.

Thank you again for your submission and we wish you the best of luck in finding representation in the future.

So here's my friggin' problem!

Narrative is part of my experimentation which I point out #1 on my Query Letter...

The voice of the character is too young for his age?  Says who?  For the demographic and profession he's in, he talks like ME, because he's patterned off of me and my peers who are all friggin' nerds and talk like I do!!!!! WTF?!!!  What fuckin' world do these people live in where someone's speech pattern dictates age?  Come the fuck on!  Seriously?! 

Additionally, I submitted ten pages... HOW THE HELL CAN YOU EVEN DISCERN THE PLOT AND IF THE DIALOG TAKES AWAY FROM IT?  Umm people tell stories EVERY day and it's usually through a form of communication called vocal narrative!!!  We TELL STORIES!

Oh well.  In this case I think I would've preferred the obligatory form letter as this one really kicked me in the gut and filled me with fear.  Considering the fact that this Agent could've been the one to represent me to the majors.  Holy shit!!!!  I dodged a damn bullet there.



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