So up nice and early to get some work done... I'm walking down the stairs and missed a step and caught myself as I was falling and twisted. Normally this wouldn't be a big deal for your average person. For me though this is a disaster because I have two slipped discs in my back. (spinal disc herniation).
I've lived with this for the past 10 years and usually I just deal with it. On my "good days" I have a sensation that extends from top right outer thigh to my knee a sensation that is best described as a sunburn with a cat scratching it with an occasional slice of a hot dagger deep into my thigh.
On bad days the pain will extend upwards into my groin area and the dagger strikes are almost constant.
When I overdo it (moving, working out incorrectly, bending in a weird way, etc) It escalates and then I have a few new symptoms. #1 I can barely move around or get out of bed because my body get's "stuck" there's some angles which cause such pain as to make my legs give out. One angle is straight up and down as I stand completely erect.
Well falling just now has tweaked the back and as I sit here in front of my machine I am on the verge of tears because it hurts badly. Gonna try to ice it quickly and see if that helps.
SIDE NOTE: Where the hell is Kuthanaga when you need him. Hell, the Earth's Milk would probably help remedy this as well...
Sunday, August 14, 2011
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